It certainly has been a very challenging time lately for Australians and people across the globe. We are trying to navigate through this crisis as best we can, to both ensure people’s safety and health and also to keep our business running for the enjoyment of clients and horses.
Firstly, thank you to everyone that has understood that we have needed time to understand the impacts of the government announcements this week.
The good news is, at this point the government is defining non-essential services that need to cease operations as cafes, bars, gyms and other indoor environments where large numbers of people are in a confined space.
So riding schools are okay, given that our activities are conducted outside and with small amounts of people. We will of course need to alter our offer to take new health and safety precautions.
Moving forward in order to adhere with the government requirements of social distancing (1.5 metres), we cannot safely offer beginner and beginner 2 level lessons as there is simple too much intervention required by our staff in order to safely mount and manage riders at these levels.
At this stage riders at our intermediate levels that can perform the following can participate:
• Mount safely without physical assistance
• Check their horse’s girth themselves
• Adjust their own stirrups
Riders that choose to participate will have strict hygiene requirements and will be required to disinfect equipment at the end of each session. Please also read our pinned post to understand your obligations upon arrival at our property.
We are working through a phased approach to our moderated business activities, so please be mindful that while the above applies now things are moving rapidly and changes may be made in the future.
For all parents of beginner and beginner 2 children that have paid their term fees, we will be working with you to ensure your children are able to use their lessons vouchers throughout the rest of the year.
We are a small family business and every single client is valued, as are our talented team of staff. We are very grateful for your support.
We are currently looking into keeping you all engaged with a range of ONLINE lessons and offerings – there are so many aspects to horses and riding that we might never get a chance to explore completely in physical lessons. But now, with COVID-19, we are changing the way many businesses operate, and we’re putting our thinking caps on for how we can keep your equine education going online and add value to your physical riding lessons.
Thank you for your understanding.
If you have any questions please do-not hesitate to contact us, phone: (02) 6230 2230 or email